Sabtu, 06 April 2013


By: Drs.H.Asmu 'i, M.H.
(Judge of the Religion Court )

At this time who is not familiar television (TV)?. Answer of course, almost all of people get to know media who one this. If we want to calculate the percent, goods times 99.9 percent already get to know TV. Only 0.1 percent are not familiar with the TV, the tribesmen who did not allow contact with the outside world, including a baby and a blind person does not and can not see objects. On thing, first around the year 70 late in country us, or more precise in  my village, si box this miraculous become luxury goods. Only the person wealthy alone who has a. IBHS sometimes is only limited is owned by people important and educated. Models and mereknyapun still not yet variegated like now. Even if only in the form of TV black-white, already enough become spectacle attract people compatriot. The transmitter of station also just single, TVRI. And, which definitely a variety of program also still not as sophisticated in and do not like the current assortment like at this time.
Is now media who also often called screen glasses of this is now almost exist in every the house. Instead is not seldom in a one house a family memilki of more than 2 aircraft TV. With a various sizes, multifarious the station transmitter from the inside and abroad, program the show which very varied and attractive, and certainly everything is not is no who only black white anymore, is now TV is an alternative family entertainment of the most cheap and festive.
The presence of multifarious variety of station TV, is now it seems also make buildings-buildings cinema Roll away mats and lid. Person do not longer take pains go watch a film in the outcome which must to jostle queuing up buy ticket incoming. TV has been presenting all films it. If not satisfied stay buy you player VCD. While lying and drank coffee in bed could enjoy the film whatsoever as they pleased liver and origin eye capable.
Of the side of information seems to TV is indeed media the most cheap and effective. With TV we could know the incidence bursting of plane calenger, collapse of the building WTC, know ganasnya the events tsunami in Aceh and Sumut, robohnya wall Berlin, heard the wild cry of the victims quake in DIY and surrounding. The clatter and din cities-cities in Germany because became adu the fight the star soccer and the maniaknya, several years ago, also could we are witnessing from the near the TV. Of where anyway we get to know Hair gimbalnya mBah Surip and laugh sometimes gets when not passing TV.
In short, seems to TV indeed have been presenting everything is: entertainment, knowledge, and things-other things that sebalumnya do not us understand.
Please, have, please watch, and please maximize look for entertainment via TV. Will but., Have we close watch the impact of TV such for our children?.
Presence TV in addition to mebawa the benefits, it seems also evoked a myriad of negative impacts which must we cermati. There is a communications expert who even mention TV as religion industrial society. Does it mean, person now already learn live from TV. In America used to TV referred to as Reviews the second god or the Lord second. Children-children learn about way of life, how to dress, and walked passing TV. Has now probably TV already become Reviews the first god. Why? This is due almost all of activities our lives prescheduled and governed by message-the message TV. For example alone now this already happening scheduling of back all of activities of we day-to-day because of the presence of TV. It This is not only happen in the State us, but also occurred in countries-other countries. Within an research who conducted LIPI in South Sulawesi, the farmers changing the way sleep them after presence of a TV. Because must watch the film interesting who aired last in TV, they must sleep roughly at 01.00 dinihari. As a result, they go to the fields more afternoon than usual. Basis honest kitapun are also thus. For example, when there is broadcast football matches in the world cup or even other sports that we like. Schedule sleep we as if changed. Result should watch matches teams-kesebalasan that world should we be literate at between 01.00 until 03.00 am in the morning. On things in normal circumstances at these hours we and the whole family we are usually still snoring.
Subsequently, please be wary also in TV much anyway impressions film or sinetron who presents a various scenes of violence, assessed the obscene conduct, and other scenes which from side of educative pamali for watchable our children. Scenes film which time ago only can be witnessed in places-particular place, in this case only in the building cinema, are now can be be enjoyed in every home we. The scene who formerly should only be was witnessed by circles certain age (read: adult) now it is as may be be enjoyed by anyone, including our children. View alone films-flem a match that was presents acts of violence such as gladiator, Taici Master, and film other games, such as films bollywood. Films such not only be one indulgence we, but also our children. Kitapun very difficult give explanation of to children-child our. When we try to ban our kids watch that scene, we too as parents spontaneously become opponents of our children.
Sinetronpun is also thus. Many scenes sinetron who less educating to the teenagers us. See alone the many theme sinetron which was themed romance, appearance several prominent in the story who dressed does not indecent, such as dressing mini, of men mamakai earrings-earrings in nose and ears. And, which more concerning we among others is the when we witnessing sinetron who take the idea of ​​the story with background of child's life school and scenes-scenes itupun they did when still in a state of uniformed school but, it turns out tilled with groove story and the same scene once paradox with atmosphere ideal world the School is synonymous with the feel educative.
Mau for example? Just look at the scene of teenage romance in the wild and raunchy, naughty school kids work on teachers, fighting between students, and behavior negetif another. Portrait bobroknya small portion learner us, has now seems to has been got the legitimacy of various impressions in TV. As an example, on Monday evening (23.05.2005) I am watching a sinetron in a station private TV. In the story lowers the scene one of the students who became characters beaten with beaten in a gang. Pengeroyokan who until give rise to bruised and bloody disekujur the body it done several friends of men its class who dressed uniforms school who all of which wears earrings-earrings in his ears and occurred at school hours anyway. Whereas, portrait the children achievers results weary toil the father-the father teacher as if drowned even considered as if not never been exist.
Then, will we prohibit our children watch? Basis honest who the parents who has the ability thus?. In terms tayanganTV, now perhaps more baanyak parents gentleness in the "controlled" by the child, not the parents who control the child. Look at behavior our child, at home they could master the remote control whenever.
How with film cartoons?.
The movie not lose his silly. View alone scenes-scenes and dialogue-dialog naughty which displayed. A variety of four-letter words in the dialogue, scenes of violence, that there actually was no longer fit to be said, that the film cartoons were just for kids. Call it film Dragon Ball and film Sincan. Instead film who called last which lifted from story this comic is actually in negari his native (read: Japan), is made for consumption of person adults. In it there is scenes of older people Sincan beradegan is being doing intercourse sex. Dr.. Murti Bunata, one of the researchers from Universitas Indonesia harshly criticized the when impressions film is such are presented to children-child (Gamma, 17-23/1/2001). Yoshita Usui, author of comic such, actually intends presents a humor who smelled of sex it for people adults with object children-child. Then the do not be surprised if dialog-dialog his silly also nuanced sex. The irony, in Indonesian which fond of film it precisely our children. Even, children-children our who still age of School Elementary. Gara-gara films cartoons from various station TV it, children-children our very difficult take the time to read book. In essence, because the TV we also have difficulty civilize our children to learn or read. As an example, at least ever there is a my fella who teacher SD complained of slump achievement learn disciples-his pupil because of TV.
If then there is behaviors negative or a number of negative impacts else after watching TV, then TV or kitakah which wrong?. The answer, certainly still pros and cons and will become debate lengthy. Depending from the standpoint of where in looking at.
Will but, irrespective from the existence differences standpoint such, secondly parties, namely TV as renderer impressions and we as spectators must equally-equally mutually understand the position respective-respective.
In the one hand, TV as one of media, of course prosecuted for participate is responsible to the the future of children-children of the nation at this country. Impressions who is worth educative, without laying it aside element of entertainment and commercial already's time become commitment of all parties who involved in the world per-TV-an. Spectacle which worth the guidance very we'd expect emerged from media which very popular watchable this. With Thus, which we deal out actually not a presence TV, but program his show. Make program broadcast its own which like which we want is at once does not detrimental parties TV from the commercial side, may be is very difficult and costly who hence we buy or imitate alone program-program broadcast from abroad, including films-filemnya. But, what's a difficulty and expensiveness such if compared with the future of children-children of the nation who must become victims of program-program TV broadcast who not educative such.
In other parties, we as a society viewers, also must knowing the position of parties TV as part of the media. The many impressions which may can have negative consequences for child us, must we sikapi with arif. Attitude of arif such among others, is for not always scapegoating TV. Memanaj our children in watching broadcasts which exist and equip child we as early as possible with knowledge and moral religion and traditions sublime ancestors presumably constitute one of the attitude which we need. Because, could course the whole TV in domestic making program broadcast a good. But, begaimana if, with parabola which we, possess our children precisely choose canal 'naughty' from abroad?
So, watching TV it's actually like we pugilism. In order that we can menfaat from the boxing, we must do the preparations who ripe. Otherwise, we will not get the benefits of boxing, but instead we are going to collapse knockout (KO) a blow. Surely we also did not want children-children we KO her future simply because watching TV is not? Beware ... Beware ..!, (Borrowing the term bang Inmates in RCTI).


Name: Asmu'i Syarkowi
Place & Joined Date of Birth: Banyuwangi, October 15th, 1962
Education: S-1 IAIN Yogyakarta, 1988.
S-2 Universitas Muslim Indonesia Makassar, 2001
Job: Former Chairman Religious Court Waingapu NTT
Now: Judge Religion Court BANYUWANGI.
Address E-Mail: papataka.15 @
Address of residence: Kebonsari RT / RW 1/II, Sumbersari, Jember

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